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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Do I Go From Here?

I've been home with my kids for nearly three and a half years now. When we left East Texas, I was able to work part-time from home for a couple of years. When that work dried up, I did some contract work as a copywriter. Just when that job dried up, this Beachbody Coaching thing came along.

"Well, I'll give it a shot," I thought. "I'll just see how it goes for awhile. I might hate it and it might turn out to be nothing. At least we'll get a discount."

Last night Zach and I had a conversation about if and when I should go back to work full time. There was an agreement that I will go back, but the undetermined questions were "When?" and "What will I do?" and "What will we do with the kids?"

I was still kicking those questions around in my head this morning, wondering how I could make it all work. Zach has a very demanding job that keeps him away from the house sometimes four nights a week. I love being able to keep things on track at home. Planning and cooking healthy meals for my family is important to me, and I really enjoy it. I like getting up in the morning and working out, then helping the kids get ready for school. Will I be able to keep all those things up if I'm in an 8-5 situation?

At the end of the year, it's natural to reflect on where we've been and where we want to go. Here's what I want in 2011: I want to make my Beachbody Coaching business a success. I believe in Beachbody's products and their mission to help people reach their goals. I think working out and eating well is fun. I like reading about it, I like researching it. There are so many people struggling with health and fitness, and I'd like to try to help them.

No, I don't have a degree in nutrition or a license to be a trainer, but I'm coming to realize that that's okay. I am a testament to the fact that anyone who has the desire to learn about and commit to nutrition and fitness can do it. There are so many tools and resources available -- many of them from Beachbody -- that can help anyone turn their lives upside down and around -- for the better.

I have no delusions that making this business a success will be easy or quick. And I know that if I want to do this, it will push me out of my comfort zone. But that's probably a good thing. I suspect the only thing standing between me and success with Team Beachbody is...me.

If I'm able to do this, then the questions in my mind about "When," and "Where," and "How" I need to go back to work will all be answered for me. And any answer that allows me the flexibility to stay home with my kids, work on and think about the things that I love to do, and also make money -- is a pretty great answer.

If anybody knows someone who would benefit from Beachbody's products and wants someone they can talk to about health and fitness, I'd really appreciate if you gave them my information. Or if you want to be on my team and help me spread the word about fitness (and hopefully make a little money on the side), just give me a ring. My information is on my Beachbody page.

Workout of the Day
P90X One on One, Volume 3: Yoga

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