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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Gift of Fitness

Christmas is barreling toward us again, and I bet you're in the same boat as me. What am I going to get all these people on my Christmas list who already have pretty much anything and everything that they need?

Last week on the National Coach Call, Beachbody's CEO, Carl Daikeler, suggested that we ought to strive to have at least one gift under each tree this year that contributes to the health of someone we love.

Now, obviously I'd love it if everyone took that suggestion to heart and ordered a shiny new P90X or a big bag of Shakeology from my coach site. (Brazil Butt Lift, anyone? I know you know someone whose butt could stand to be lifted.)

But I think Carl was looking at the grander scheme of things. Instead of using Christmas as an opportunity to lay a metric ton of fudge on the ones you love, maybe we should be thinking about how we can improve the health of the ones we love -- so you can enjoy each other for a few extra Christmases.

A few months ago for bosses' day, Zach's co-workers gave him the following items:
  • A container of almonds
  • Two boxes of Zone bars
  • A giant basket of fresh fruit - strawberries, apples, grapes, oranges
  • A gift card to Bass Pro Shop
Do these people know my husband or what? He was thrilled, and so were the kids and I. My children literally jumped for joy when I got down the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer to juice the oranges from that basket. (Have you seen these juicers? Now there's a gift idea!)

Do you have a friend who loves to dance? Get her a Zumba DVD.

Schedule a time for you and your spouse to go climb a rock wall.

Buy your parents the Fruit of the Month Club. (And your sibling can buy them the juicer!)

Pick up a Foreman Grill for your brother so he can cook lean meat quickly.

Do your kids have bikes? Buy yourself one so you can all ride bikes together.

Are you friends with a P90X aficionado? I can help there -- Beachbody is offering Tony Horton's One on One workouts for one cent for the first month. Then they get a new workout every month after that for $19.95.

The possibilities are endless if you think creatively. And if you're having trouble, shoot me an email. I'll be happy to suggest some TurboFire with a side of RevAbs.

P.S. If you do order something from my site, make sure to do it by December 17 so it has plenty of time to get to you!

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