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Friday, December 31, 2010

Two-Day Cleanse: Complete!

I know I said I'd update regularly throughout the cleanse, but here's the thing: there was not much exciting to report! This cleanse was really a breeze. I was nervous about it, but I was not miserably hungry, I had plenty of energy -- so much so that yesterday morning we took a mile jog around the block, took down the Christmas decorations, and in the afternoon took a short bike ride.

I ate the optional fruit snacks and green tea in between meals -- if I hadn't, I probably would have been miserably hungry. I didn't wake up in the night hungry, either.

I lost about two pounds in two days, as did Zach. This wasn't about losing weight, though, and I actually didn't expect to lose a whole lot. We're both pretty lean right now, and I feel like my body is exactly where it should be weight-wise. In Zach's last cleanse he did quite a lot of pooping (if I may be so graphic), but that wasn't the case for either of us this time. That makes me think that we're doing pretty well as far as getting enough fiber in our diets.

Here is the best thing I got out of this cleanse: drinking a lot of water. As I mentioned, Beachbody suggests drinking two to four liters per day while on the cleanse. I drank two liters both days, and in that short time I have seen a couple things that made me think that I am definitely not getting enough water ordinarily. First, when I woke up in the morning I did not have froggy morning voice like normal. Second, my hands are not dry and cracked like they usually are. I have such a hard time with dry hands in the winter; the palms of my hands look like an 85-year-old lady. But this morning they look and feel so much better. I have to think that water has something to do with that.

So one of my goals for this year is to drink two liters of water every day. The way I am going to accomplish this is to keep a pitcher on my counter at all times. Every morning, I'll fill it up with two liters of water, and it had better be gone by nighttime. I'm so bad about drinking water that I really need a visual to remind me to get it done. Otherwise it ain't happening!

And oh yeah. The other thing this cleanse did was make regular old food taste like a million bucks! We fixed some scrambled egg whites and a whole wheat English muffin with almond butter this morning for breakfast, and it was as if Wolfgang Puck had come to my house to fix breakfast. Delicious!

Happy New Year, everybody!


Workout of the Day
P90X Plus Total Body

Total Body is a great workout, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tough to do coming off the cleanse. I didn't have as much energy as usual, but I did complete the whole workout.

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