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Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday Nutrition Tip of the Week

After the weekend I just had, I hardly feel qualified to be dishing out nutrition advice. Dishing out cinnamon raisin French toast casserole, or maybe some leftover prime rib? Yes, I could dish that out. I have lots of practice dishing that out.

Let's just say there was some overeating, to put it mildly. I'm sure you can relate.

There are bound to be days throughout the year where we overeat -- holidays in particular. But herein lies the tip: don't let your day off the wagon become a week off the wagon -- or worse, a month off the wagon.

I read in Oxygen magazine this weekend that eating food high in saturated fat can impair your judgement for up to three days.
"The study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that short-term exposure to foods like beef, butter, full-fat cheese and milk, which all contain a type of saturated fat called palmitic acid, turns off the pathways in your brain that make you feel full. Your brain essentially gets hit with a cascade of fatty acids that causes resistance to your appetite-suppressing hormones, leptin and insulin."  - Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Linda Melone, Jan. 2011 Oxygen Magazine
Sheesh. That's scary. So pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get back to your regularly scheduled diet of lean meat, vegetables, and whole grains as soon as possible. And also? Don't beat yourself up. One day is not going to prevent you from reaching your goals.

Workout of the Day:
Brazil Butt Lift: Bum Bum (extra brownie points for getting up by myself to do this at 5:30 this morning. Actually, who am I kidding...it was about burning off the brownies I ate this weekend, not about the points.)

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