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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Michael Bloomberg for President

Hooray for Michael Bloomberg. He's stepping up and making a very unpopular, but warranted, statement about how sugared beverages are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic in America. Check out this article from cnn.com this morning:

New York mayor wants big sugary drinks banned

If New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has his way, you won't be gulping down any 44-ounce Cokes at any of the Big Apple's eateries after March 2013.

Citing what he says is the contribution sugary beverages make to obesity in the U.S., Bloomberg says the buck, and the big Dr. Pepper, stops with him.

“Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, ‘Oh, this is terrible.’ New York City is not about wringing your hands; it’s about doing something. I think that’s what the public wants the mayor to do,” Bloomberg told The New York Times.
His proposal would ban any the sale of any sugary beverage over 16 ounces in any of the city's restaurants, delis, movie theaters or even street carts, according to reports from New York.

Sales of sweetened drinks larger than 16 ounces would still be permitted in supermarkets and convenience stores, according to the reports, including one from CNN affiliate NY1.
Bloomberg's ban would not apply to diet drinks, juices, milkshakes or alcohol, according to the NY1 report.

The New York City Beverage Association responded quickly Wednesday.

“There they go again. The New York City Health Department’s unhealthy obsession with attacking soft drinks is again pushing them over the top. The city is not going to address the obesity issue by attacking soda because soda is not driving the obesity rates. It’s time for serious health professionals to move on and seek solutions that are going to actually curb obesity,” the group said in a statement, according to NY1.

According to the Times report, more than half of New York's adults are obese or overweight, and the city says more than 30% of its citizens drink at least one sweetened beverage daily.

If Bloomberg's plan goes through, there's still a way to drown yourself in Pepsi. The Times says while fast-food restaurants could only give out cups holding 16 ounces or less, free refills are allowed. So just plan for more trips to the soda bar.

Right now Zach and I are making our way through HBO's four-part series, "The Weight of the Nation," an excellent investigation of obesity and the impact it's having on our society and our children. (Please watch it! It's free to stream online.)

In the second episode I learned that the average American overeats by 300 calories each day. The average 20-ounce beverage is 250 calories.

Liquid calories are so dangerous because you do not undereat based on the amount of liquid calories you take in. You eat just as much as you want, then have the extra sugary beverage calories right on top. (Not to mention that sugar compromises your immune system and messes with your body in other ways, too.)

As we've been going through the Ultimate Reset, I've had my ups and downs, emotionally speaking. Some of the downs have come when I think about A) just how difficult it has been to eat 100% clean for three weeks. The tracking down of ingredients, the prep, etc. Not everyone is cut out for this. B) Just how expensive it is to eat this way. I am dreading the monthly budget round-up, because we absolutely killed the grocery budget. It's expensive to eat healthy!

But you know what? EVERYONE can stop drinking their calories. It may not be fun or easy, but it is a simple, immediate, highly effective way to lose weight. A teacher at Zach's school simply stopped drinking the sweet tea that the cafeteria ladies prepare each morning, and he lost 14 pounds. That's all he did...stopped drinking sweet tea.

If you do nothing else to promote or maintain weight loss, PLEASE STOP DRINKING YOUR CALORIES.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ultimate Reset Day 17: Superstar Soups

Only four more days before we are graduates of the Ultimate Reset!

We have settled into cruise mode on this thing. The prep has gotten easier, and I can now see the back of my refrigerator for the first time in weeks. The end is near! Still enjoying the food, but finding that our energy levels are very low. It seems that people who were eating a lot of processed food before the Reset experience an uptick in energy, while people who were eating pretty well don't have as much. We're really feeling the lack of protein.

We're having some cravings, but not for bad stuff. I'd love some oatmeal with walnuts on it or a small chicken breast. Some scrambled eggs and spinach or yogurt or something.

A big part of our post-reset meals will be the "Reset Greatest Hits"; the recipes that we enjoyed the most during the 21-day program. Turns out a lot of our favorites were the absolutely fantastic soups! They were simple, flavorful, and quick. Here are three of my favorites.

The first soup doesn't even have a name. Here were the instructions:

"Blend 1/4 cup coconut milk with 1/2 serving kabocha squash into a soup." The end.

I didn't have a kabocha squash, so I used about 1/2 a small acorn squash (cooked). I took a fork and mashed it up in a pan, added the coconut milk and heated it up. Holy moly that was some delicious stuff. Doesn't get easier!

My favorite soup, though, was the Zucchini Cashew Soup. Eaten warm or cold, this was one of the best soups I've ever tasted. It will be a regular part of our meal rotation.

Zucchini-Cashew Soup
  • 1 large or 2 small zucchini, cut into chunks and steamed
  • ¼ cup raw cashews
  • Himalayan salt or Bragg® Liquid Aminos (to taste)
  • Herbal seasoning or fresh herbs, like basil or dill (optional; to taste)
  • Steamed vegetables (optional; for chunky soup)

Soak cashews in enough water to cover for 1 hour; drain. Combine cashews, zucchini, salt or aminos, and seasonings in blender and mix until smooth, adding water as needed for desired consistency. Pour into saucepan and reheat gently, but do not boil. For chunky soup, add steamed chopped vegetables of your choice. Can also be served cold. Serves 1.

And finally there's the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup, which marked the first time I roasted my own red pepper. It was easy!

Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque
  • 1 sweet potato (aka garnet yam)
  • ¼ red bell pepper
  • 1 cup vegetable broth or water
  • 1 tsp. finely grated peeled ginger root
  • 1½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp. miso paste, diluted in 1 tsp. hot water
  • Tamari or Bragg® Liquid Aminos, Himalayan salt, and herbal seasoning (to taste)

Peel and cube sweet potatoes. Cook in boiling water until tender. Drain and set aside. Meanwhile, roast a whole red bell pepper on gas stovetop or grill, turning frequently until evenly charred on the outside OR in your oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turning every 10 minutes or until skin is charred.
Put pepper in bowl and cover with towel for 10 minutes to steam. Clean off skin and seeds by running under cool water. Remove seeds, cut in quarters, and chop one quarter into ½-inch cubes. (Set remainder of pepper aside for another use.)
Place sweet potato, pepper, broth or water, ginger, oil, and miso in blender. (If you want chunky soup, set aside some chunks of pepper.) Blend thoroughly, adding more liquid to achieve desired soup consistency. Transfer to a pot and gently heat on low until hot. Add tamari or aminos, salt, and seasoning as desired. Serves 1.

Note that all the Reset recipes serve 1. My math skills got worked as I doubled and quadrupled recipes if leftovers were needed for lunch the next day.


If you're thinking about doing the Ultimate Reset, send me a message. It's not something you should jump into lightly; it's a significant monetary, emotional, and time investment. But if you choose to follow the guide to the letter, you will have results and you will learn a tremendous amount about yourself and about food. It's one of the best experiences I've had, despite the hard work.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ultimate Reset Day 9: Reflections and Realizations

Wow. What a week this has been on the Ultimate Reset. Only one-third of the way through, and I've already learned so much about food and about myself.

Here are some of my observations, in no particular order.

*  I think the reason why I've been so moody for these nine days (yes, the moodiness has stuck around) has very little to do with the food. Yes, at the beginning I got irritated because I couldn't have my snacks, but that's not the root cause. The cause of my moodiness is because I am accustomed to running a very tight ship. By that I mean I go to the store once a week with my meticulous grocery list derived from my meal plan, and I know exactly how to cook what I'm cooking and what I need to cook it. I don't forget things, I (usually) don't use ingredients I'm not familiar with, and I have complete confidence in what I'm fixing and when.

This Reset has me out of my comfort zone. Zach says it ought to be easier because the plan is laid out so beautifully for you, which is true. But when you're having to prepare new meals every day, it throws you off. The prep work is intense, particularly if you're preparing meals to eat out of the home. I have to make sure Zach has what he needs for the day, which is sometimes breakfast, lunch, and dinner all packed in tupperware. The kids have eaten the same meals as us for the most part, but there have been a few times when I add chicken for them or they have some different veggies.

The refrigerator has never been more jam packed with different kinds of lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and on and on and ON. It's wall to wall plastic containers and produce bags and I can't tell what's where. 

It's just...a lot, is all I'm saying. It's intense and complicated and out of my comfort zone. And apparently that makes me very testy.

*  The wonders of water as an appetite suppressant continue to amaze me. That stretch between 7am breakfast and noon lunch seems endless to me, but I just go get another drink of water and it tides me over every time.

*  I am learning that the Reset "Diet" (I hate that word) is the way people should eat if they do NOT want to exercise. It promotes optimal health and the perfect calorie level for a sedentary person. It provides enough energy where you feel great and look great and have enough energy to function, but someone who exercises will need more.

*  I love Bragg Liquid Aminos.

*  My dreams have been c-r-a-z-y. I don't know why, but it's very common for people on the Reset to have vivid and bizarre dreams. It's gotten to a point where my brain starts wigging out even before I've totally fallen asleep and it goes all night long. Have you ever had a night where you remembered seemingly all your dreams, and so when you woke up it's like you didn't really get much rest? I've had a few of those nights.

Last night I dreamed Zach got mad about the way the garage was organized so he took my new car out in the yard and did doughnuts until it was completely underneath the mud. I woke up gasping and out of breath. (????)

*  I would fix 95% of the meals in the Reset plan again.

*  It IS possible for Zach and I to not have a bedtime snack. I was beginning to think that wasn't the case.

*  I need to kick cereal out of my life. It's my "sweets" crutch that I have handful after handful of to get my sweets craving filled.

*  It's best to go through this process with a  support group. The best thing is to have your spouse along for the ride, but an extended group is pretty crucial, too. It's great to check in on our accountability page to see if others are experiencing the same things as us and to encourage each other to stay with the program.

*  Yesterday the kids and I crashed the senior class field trip to spend the day with Zach at the zoo and state park in Tyler. I had no issues turning down the burgers and hot dogs that were cooked, as they do  not appeal to me. But when they ran out of burgers and sent me down the road to buy five pounds of chopped beef brisket and barbecue sauce, I very nearly went off the rails. Are you kidding me? Bodacious BBQ? In my car? And I can't have any? It was a serious moral crisis.

Here's the voice in my head: "Why are you even doing this stupid cleanse anyway? You work out. You work hard. Why shouldn't you have that delicious, delicious chopped beef sandwich from the barbecue joint that you LOVED when you lived in Tyler? And by the way, have a brownie too, cause they're your favorite."

I don't know what it was that finally compelled me to stay away, but I did it. WE did it, since I'm guessing Zach had the same conversation going on in his head. We had extra lettuce and tomatoes instead. And you know what? That was a major victory for me. On a scale of 1-10, my will power when it comes to sweets and BBQ is about a 0.25. But when I finally resolved that I wasn't going to have any and thought about how truly full I was from the enormous salad I had, I felt good. I CAN say no. I DID say no. I'm still on the program and didn't derail. Such a relief. That gives me hope for Memorial Day weekend picnics and cookouts.

*  Now that my fear about "being hungry" has been mostly unfounded, I am looking forward to the next few weeks of the Reset.

*  I heard someone refer to the Ultimate Reset as P90X for your insides, and that's a really accurate statement. If someone who has poor nutrition habits were to commit -- truly commit -- to the Ultimate Reset and all the difficulty it entails, I can see that it would truly change your life. I teaches you about food, teaches you how to cook, teaches you how to be prepared. It strips you down and makes you really question why you eat what you do. It makes you see that you're capable of much more than you thought you could handle, and shows your weaknesses in a very bright spotlight.

Still almost two more weeks to go. Can't wait to see what's coming.

Ultimate Reset

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3: Inexplicable Anger

So, day two sailed by without much to comment about other than the deliciousness of the black bean and rice tacos (Drew had three, the lucky duck) and water. Lots of water.

Toward the end of the day some clouds moved in. Not outside...in my head. Angry clouds that are causing a wicked bad mood for no reason. Usually when I get in a mood like this I can put my finger on why. Usually it's P.M.S. or a project that I don't want to do hanging over my head.

I am irritated that I can't have a snack, even though I'm not hungry. Physically I don't feel bad other than a minor headache at the back of my head and maybe some aches. I did yoga this morning with no issues and felt good. It's just that laser beams shoot out my eyes when I look at you, is all.

I've heard this is normal but it sure ain't fun. The booklet even says days 3-5 can be the toughest. So I hope I'm on the early side of the storm and that it passes quickly.

My dear husband, on other hand, texted me earlier to tell me he feels fantastic. Feel as if he could take a jog. He should feel lucky he's not in scope of my laser beams.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset, Day One

One day down, 20 to go!

I spent the days leading up to the Reset trying not to behave like a bear preparing for hibernation. It was hard, though, since Saturday was Kate's birthday and Sunday was Mother's Day.

Saturday we had pizza (homemade grilled veggie pizza for Zach and me) followed by a trip to the ice cream shop (where we split a hot fudge sundae). On Sunday my parents came over for a very healthy, but big, meal of grilled chicken, roasted root veggies, brussels sprouts, green beans, and homemade bread. Then cupcakes! Then a "goodbye cereal" snack after dinner.

Promptly upon waking up on day one, you start up the supplement ritual. Lots of water, a shake of this, a few drops of that, a couple tablets. No biggie. Day one's breakfast was steamed kale, two scrambled eggs, and two pieces of toast. Normally I'm a "hide the kale in the Shakeology" kind of gal, but it was really good.

Oh wait! I forgot to show you the picture of our haul from the grocery store to prepare for the Reset:

I'm an adventurous eater, but there were some things I've never bought (or thought about buying) on the list. Seaweed sheets, anyone? Millet? Jicama? Ezekiel bread?

Back to the breakfast. When I threw my "generous handful of kale" in the pan, I thought I'd gone overboard:

But it turned out fine!

That dry Ezekiel bread tasted like a million bucks!

Between breakfast and lunch I felt a little fuzzy. Kind of in the Twilight Zone, or something. But lunch picked me up, and it was so colorful and delicious. It was a microgreen salad with homemade dressing, plus pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds mixed in.

More supplements, more water, and a one-time-a-day supplement called Alkalinize at about 3:00. It tasted like mulched grass, but luckily I'm not grossed out by that.

Dinner was supposed to be salmon, but I happen to have a freezer FULL of tilapia, so I fixed the recipe exactly as directed, but substituted the fish. This dinner was honestly easier to prepare than 85% of the dinners I make on an ordinary night. But I'm kinda weird like that.

Drew ate it and loved it, as did we. (Kate, of course, is out of the equation here. She ate her bread and drank her milk like every other night. Will that girl eat any food that isn't brown or orange one day? A mother can dream.)

And with that, the kitchen was closed for the night!

The day went very well. I drank almost a gallon of distilled water, the supplements didn't make me gag, and the food is so good. I can't wait to try some of the recipes coming up!

I did miss my celery with peanut butter and raisins at 3:00, and overall I caught myself thinking about just wandering into the kitchen for a handful of cereal or almonds or something. It made me realize just how much recreational eating I do. I eat because I'm bored, or because someone else is eating, or because "it's time" to eat.

One thing the Reset guide tells you to do is slow down and enjoy your food. Pause over it before you start eating. Be thankful for it and prepare to eat. When you're eating, you take small bites and chew them thoroughly. You drink 20 oz. of water 30-45 minutes before your meal, but you don't drink during the meal because extra liquid dilutes digestive juices. That's all a change for me...I usually inhale the food on my plate and go back before seconds before it's even reached my stomach.

When you think about it, we really should be so thankful that we have access to healthy food. We live in an age where food is readily available and plentiful, so we take it for granted. It's like we've forgotten that food fuels our energy, and I am starting to think it fuels our thoughts and emotions, as well. Is it just a coincidence that obesity and depression are both rampant in this country?

It's only been a few days, but I can already endorse the Ultimate Reset. It's teaching people how to eat, how to cook, how to appreciate food instead of see it as a necessary distraction. The positive testimonials are rolling in every day. I can't wait to have one, too!

Learn more about the Reset on my brand-spanking new Ultimate Reset website: www.UltimateReset.com/CoachSusanH

Or tune in for the adventures of our group going through the Reset together here:

"Workout" of the Day
We're not technically working out during the Reset. Today we woke up at our usual time and did Les Mills Pump: "Flow" (the yoga routine) and the Pump Abs routine. Then I got right into food prep for the day! Made a romaine heart salad for Zach to take to work today. It was yummy.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tale of the Cart

Yesterday at the grocery store I crossed paths with an overweight couple, each sitting on their own motorized cart. A younger person (a grandson, perhaps?) walked with a cart of his own, helping with items that were out of reach for his companions.

It was clear the couple didn't get out too often and that the trip to this store was meant to stock them up for awhile, as all three carts were filled to the brim.

Filled to the brim with soda, chips, cookies, white bread, prepared "meals" and other things that will ensure they have to rely on those carts forever. Or for the short time they have left on the planet anyway.

The easy thing to do when I see people like that is throw my hands up in the air and judge them. How can they eat that way? Don't they feel terrible? Don't they see what they're doing to themselves? To their families?

But that doesn't help them, and it isn't the way we should treat other people. There is so much hopelessness and lack of education about bad food and what it's doing to us. Of course the news reports all the time about what a fat country we are, how health care costs are skyrocketing due to obesity and its side effects. "We'll tell you the whole story," they say, "right after this break, sponsored by McDonald's. You DESERVE a break today! Go pick up a McRib for a limited time only!"

We go to Home Depot or the Jo Ann Fabrics, and the checkout line is stocked with candy, chocolate, Gatorade. When did lumber yards and fabric stores become Quik E Marts? "Happy Hour drinks at Sonic are only 88 cents! Stop on in and have one!" There is near constant access to bad food no matter where you go, and if you haven't exercised your will power muscle, chances are you're going to stop in and get that break that "you deserve."

What people really deserve, if they would stop to think about it, is to feel GOOD about themselves. To be healthy. To make the most of their lives and be productive, happy members of society well into their old age.

But we don't think past how good the candy bar tastes, and the mixed messages we receive all day long keep our brains (which hopefully know better) and our will power at odds.

It's sad. And it's a huge problem. And it's why I'm a Team Beachbody Coach. Because if someone wants to change, there ought to be people to help them do it and cheer them on along the way.

If there is any hope to turn the tide of this epidemic it's not going to be because of some government intervention...it's going to people helping each other sort through the tidal wave of misleading labels, clever advertising, and fad diets.

There may not be any hope for those grandparents in the carts, but maybe there is hope that their grandson won't end up in the same place 40 years from now.

Workout of the Day
Les Mills Pump Revolution
Ultimate Reset Cleanse starts Monday, which means three weeks of little to no working out. After the past two weeks, I'm ready for the break!

Friday, May 4, 2012

High-fat food goes straight to your bloodstream...and messes with your head, too.

You know that sluggish feeling you have after you leave a restaurant where you've eaten a giant burger and fries? Well it's not just in your head. It's in your blood, too. Like, immediately. Check out this video:


Workout of the Day
Les Mills Pump Revolution

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Ultimate Challenge

We're just two short weeks away from starting Beachbody's Ultimate Reset, a 21-day detox program designed to hit your body's "reset" button. I've been stalking several coach's Reset Facebook pages, and so far I hear nothing but good things. I'm pumped to start this!

Zach and I were saying last night that we're hoping that the clean eating and vegan diet won't shake us much, because that will mean we're doing pretty well on our own. The two main challenges I see come in week three, when I have to make a one-year-old's cupcakes and birthday cake, and the Memorial Day summer kick-off pool party. Grilled veggies, anyone?

Beachbody's CEO Carl Daikeler had a fantastic post about the Reset the other day that I am reposting here. He talks about the collateral benefits of the Reset that he didn't expect when the program was being developed.

If you're interested in joining our group that starts on May 16, send me a message to find out how to order your ULTIMATE Reset.


“Ultimate” is for both the experience, the outcome, and also the level of effort I put into finishing my 21 day Ultimate Reset.

My wife Isabelle has been designing detox programs for some of the biggest stars and professional athletes for over two decades. So when I told her that some people were using Shakeology as a 3-day cleanse program, she said “That’s not a cleanse. That’s just a shake diet. I don’t advise it.”  Then since I had never done a cleanse, I asked her what the fundamentals of cleansing are and she didn’t miss a beat. “Let me and Darin (Olien) work something up and we’ll let you take a look at it.”

That was two years ago. And now I am proud to announce that just like Shakeology raised the bar on great tasting meal replacement shakes with unprecedented nutrition, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset they created now raises the bar on the concept of giving your internal organs a real fresh start, of flushing out toxins, of gently and naturally cleaning out years of waste blocked in the intestinal tract, and of revving up your metabolism with 21 days of healthy eating.

Get ready for the clouds to part, and a ray of sunshine to hit you as you experience a burst of vitality like you never thought was possible. You are about to get reset!

It is a three week program, with 3 phases, first cleaning up the diet and preparing the body to cleanse. By week two we have taught you how to eat Vegan (and like it!) while you have a week of cleansing and detoxification. Finally, in week three you restore the healthy flora to the GI tract and let the body completely reset itself from years of pollutants, caffeine, junk food and toxins.

If your experience is anything like our first 200 people in test groups, by the halfway point your eyes will see more clear, your energy will be through the roof, and you will feel healthy. You will feel stronger, more alive, and more vital than you can imagine.

I had an amazing experience: Down 10lbs in 21 days. Cholesterol dropped 42 pts. LDL (bad cholesterol) down a whopping 35%! Yes me, a devoted meat-eater, have had fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains every day for the past three weeks, and am currently eating vegan at least two days a week to maintain my results. I have discovered foods and particularly vegetables and grains that I never tried before. I feel healthy, a whole lot of healthy.

While going through the process, and now that I see the comments and feedback from the 3,000 people who are in their second week doing the reset since we launched it, I noted the top five reasons the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a game changer for Team Beachbody:

#5. Friends
I have been impressed by how this process has helped me get to know the participants in our reset group.
We followed the program together on a private Facebook page we set up. You will find that incredible friendships are created when you go through this, as you help each other stay with it, show your compassion balanced with support. Not many opportunities build relationships. This one does and that’s good for your life, and good for your business.

#4. Healthier Home
Isabelle and I did the Ultimate Reset at the same time. She always eats the way it’s outlined in the reset recipe guide. But for this 3 weeks, we were both eating this way. She was helping guide me through it, and we both were talking about our experience with the program. It was really nice to share this together, and I think other couples who are doing it are having the same “walk through fire together” experience. And the kids are seeing this and asking questions/trying the foods too. Nothing better than a good example set at home. My daughter is eating vegan with me on my vegan days, and cutting out red meat. I have even spoken to coaches who sold old clothes they had not worn in years, taken up cooking for the first time in their lives, even redesigning their entire kitchens around a healthier lifestyle!

#3. You Transform Your Diet First
By week two I had literally transformed my diet, and my understanding of how to eat to lose weight without starving. If I had done this before Power 90 and P90X, my results would have been even better, but I also know I would have had even healthier outcome. The Ultimate Reset is a great way to do the hardest thing about transformation from my perspective; change the way I eat. People who follow this program will be so primed to do one of our fitness programs, and they will get such amazing results that the flood of success stories will be unprecedented.

#2. Not a Victim Anymore!
Some people like the freedom of living at the mercy of circumstances. Not me. And not our best coaches or success stories. These are people who, once they discover the reality that well-being is in your control… it’s not about drugs, surgeries, big bones, or “society,” but that our health and well being is a direct result of our choices, our emotions, and the willingness to learn from past choices to instead produce a better outcome. There’s no such thing as making the same mistake twice, because the second time is a choice when you become aware. That means YOU are in control of you. The trick then is accepting that responsibility, and working toward making improvements like you will achieve with the Ultimate Reset without putting yourself down in the process. It’s an exciting tight rope. And it’s waiting for anyone willing to step up and take it on!

#1. 21-Day Beachbody Challenge Groups lead to even more groups!
The number one reason the Ultimate Reset is worthy of the “Ultimate” name is the dramatic impact it will have on you and the people around you. And that means it will affect your business just as dramatically. If I was a coach my goal would be to build a new Beachbody Challenge group around the Ultimate Reset every week.  I would support each group in its own private Facebook page. I would build those groups around these top reasons to do the reset. And I would ask everyone in those groups to let me know when someone they know is interested, because you can’t do a 3-week lifestyle change like this without people noticing and asking questions. I suspect over the course of 3 weeks, each group would generate enough prospects to build another group of 6-10, and each group would lead to at least one person seeing the value of being a coach to lead groups of their own. And going into the second half of each reset, I would transition interested participants into a fitness program to start gradually after the third week. Once you start feeling this good, you get motivated to feel better, and that’s when it’s time to do a 90 day challenge with one of our fitness programs and Shakeology.

With our mission of helping people achieve their goals to lead healthy fulfilling lives, we never pulled punches. We are challenging people to take on something incredible, to overcome their own obstacles and truly achieve their own magnificence. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset not only brings it together, it achieves it in only 21 days.

I never expected all that, but I have come to expect these unexpected positive outcomes once we take a bold step toward living a healthier lifestyle. And that’s the Beachbody difference. The ULTIMATE difference.

People improving their own lives. People enhancing the lives of the people they touch. It’s the perfect business model if you ask me!

Workout of the Day
Les Mills Pump: Pump & Shred, Core

Pump & Shred is my favorite Pump workout because of British Rachel, who channels Austin Powers during the warm up: "Which way are your headlights pointing?...Yeeaaaahhhhhh!!" Plus I love Sheldon the squat king.