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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3: Inexplicable Anger

So, day two sailed by without much to comment about other than the deliciousness of the black bean and rice tacos (Drew had three, the lucky duck) and water. Lots of water.

Toward the end of the day some clouds moved in. Not outside...in my head. Angry clouds that are causing a wicked bad mood for no reason. Usually when I get in a mood like this I can put my finger on why. Usually it's P.M.S. or a project that I don't want to do hanging over my head.

I am irritated that I can't have a snack, even though I'm not hungry. Physically I don't feel bad other than a minor headache at the back of my head and maybe some aches. I did yoga this morning with no issues and felt good. It's just that laser beams shoot out my eyes when I look at you, is all.

I've heard this is normal but it sure ain't fun. The booklet even says days 3-5 can be the toughest. So I hope I'm on the early side of the storm and that it passes quickly.

My dear husband, on other hand, texted me earlier to tell me he feels fantastic. Feel as if he could take a jog. He should feel lucky he's not in scope of my laser beams.

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