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Monday, April 30, 2012

What if you threw a party and nobody came?

Or for a health nut, an even greater fear might be what if you planted a garden AND NOTHING CAME UP!

That's what I'm going through right now, and I'm pretty perturbed about it.

It's been about a month since we planted our most ambitious garden yet. We did kale and spinach and broccoli and cauliflower...and none of it has come up. Ack! Did I mention that we got a line on an online seed company that was supposed to have great seeds, and I spent almost double the amount I normally spend? AND NOTHING HAS COME UP? Oh, man...this is frustrating.

All my usual stars are doing fine...potatoes, onions, all the squash. Our tomato plants are typically slow-growing but look strong. But all the new stuff? Squat.

See that gaping hole on the left? It was supposed to be jam-packed by now!

Well, there is one tiny pathetic spinach plant and an equally tiny kale plant. But they make me even more annoyed, because why are THEY coming up when all the rest of their little friends seem to be dormant? Makes no sense. Apparently the soil is good enough to sprout that one little plant, but none of the others?


I've fertilized, watered, worried...zilch. I guess this just isn't my gardening year! I've had to replant a poor basil plant that was absolutely ravaged by bugs that I could never catch in the act, and of my eight cilantro plants, only one survived. It has a few little leaves right now.

Poor little basil plant...the bugs are still trying to get it. HOLD ON, basil plant, HOLD ON!

Maybe all isn't lost. We did plant a few weeks late, so maybe there's still time for it to come up and thrive? Only time will tell.

At least I can grow a mean squash plant.
Workout of the Day
Les Mills Pump: Pump Extreme
We're two weeks away from a 21-day break from rigorous exercise during the Ultimate Reset. We're going to use those two weeks to destroy ourselves with a Les Mills Pump/Asylum hybrid. Up tomorrow is Speed and Agility. Yikes.

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