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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P90X for your insides: Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Beachbody just released a brand new product called "The Ultimate Reset." It's a 21-day cleanse designed to "restore your body back to its original 'factory settings'" through an intense regimen of super clean food and supplements.

In a word, it looks intense.

Naturally, Zach and I want to do it as soon as possible!

Here's the deal:

For 21 days you go through a "3-phase daily program that provides you with everything you need to Reclaim your body's natural balance, Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you, and Restore your system to its maximum health."

Throughout the 21 days you cannot do intense exercise (I could handle that. It will be very difficult for Zach). You also gradually slide into veganism as you eliminate all animal products by the third week. 

Since I haven't experienced the Ultimate Reset yet, I'll stick to the talking points Beachbody's given me...but as soon as we start I will chronicle every detail for you! And if you're brave enough to join us, let us know. There's a lot of buzz around this product and we have some people ready to start a group. From what I hear, this is something you need to do with a group because you're gonna go through some stuff, particularly in the first few days.

(Side note: My coach Melissa's husband Robert is just finishing the Reset and was part of a panel of coaches at a meeting on Sunday where they discussed their experience. He said one thing he struggled with was breaking a caffeine addiction, and that on day number four he wanted to "punch somebody." But on day five the clouds parted, sun started shining, and the birds were singing again! He lost 21 pounds in 19 days. Most of the other panelists had lost anywhere from 6-12 pounds.)

If you say you want to go through the Reset with us, I may make you pinky swear. With blood, or something. No cheating! 

Here's a video featuring Dr. Bill Wheeler, Beachbody's Chief Science Officer:

And some FAQ's:

What are the benefits of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?
In just 21 days, the Ultimate Reset can help you gently restore your body to its original
factory settings," to help you:
• Have more energy and greater focus*
• Experience better digestion and a more positive mood*
• Enable your body to function more efficiently*
• Lose weight*
• Improve your overall health*

What the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is NOT:
• A starvation diet. (You'll eat three filling, healthy meals every day.)
• An abrupt cleanse that's hard on the body. (The supplements work together
gradually to gently shift your body's internal settings.)*
• A laxative-based, colon-focused cleanse, which fails to truly detoxify the whole
body. (You won't be running to the bathroom every hour!)

What's included in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?
Six Essential Supplements:
The Ultimate Reset Nutritionals are uniquely formulated to help restore your body to
optimal health.
• Alkalinize – Helps maintain alkalinity.*
• Oxygenize – Helps provide supplemental oxygen to the body.*
• Mineralize – Adds natural minerals needed by the body.*
• Detox – Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.*
• Revitalize – Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.*
• Optimize – Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions.*

Program and Nutrition Guide
• Detailed step-by-step instructions on your 21-day Reset journey.
• Plus a 3-week eating plan with recipes, cooking tips, shopping lists, and more.
Two DVDs:
• Reset Your Health! Includes a complete program overview, instructions for
getting started, and Success Stories to help motivate you.
• Cooking Class! Provides an overview of the foods recommended in your Reset,
including sample meal-preparation videos.

Support Tools
• Unparalleled support from your Team Beachbody® Coach, fellow Reset
participants, and Challenge Groups.
• Access to exclusive UltimateReset.com content.
• Day-by-day online support:
o Food preparation videos for each day's meals
o Daily cleanse tips, recipes, and shopping lists
o Personal experiences from fellow participants
• Mobile-enabled Web site content
How is the Beachbody Ultimate Reset different from other cleanse programs?
• The Ultimate Reset isn't a crash diet or a synthetic meal replacement.
• It's an integrated, whole-body reset solution—a step-by-step program that lets
you have real food, provides specially formulated supplements, and teaches you
conscious living techniques that work to detoxify and restore your body.
• You'll not only help return your metabolism to optimal function, but you'll learn
conscious self-care behaviors that can help you maintain better health, even after
your Reset.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Here's some additional information about the Ultimate Reset

And here's a link to my website so you can find out more about the packages available:


 Workout of the Day
P90X Upper Plus

It's been ages since we did this workout, and after the warm-up Zach says, "Oh, I forgot this is only 35 minutes," with a tone that to me sounded like, "Well, that's probably not long enough." Um, yeah. You don't quit on the upper body moves for 35 solid minutes! That is a tough workout, and we were both spent by the end of it. 

P90X+ is a really good series. A great addition to the library after finishing P90X. 

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