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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You know a workout is tough when...

...they have to bleep out the trainer because he said a nasty word during one of the exercises.

Insanity: The Asylum, Vertical Plyo. Our motto during this workout is, "Think how easy P90X Plyometrics will seem now!"

This week I've gotten back into using www.myfitnesspal.com. Zach is pretty dedicated when it comes to logging his food, but I have gotten away from it. I'm organizing a 5-day Shakeology/Clean Eating/Exercise Challenge, though (more on that later), and one of the requirements for the participants is that they log their food and send me their journal each night. Since I don't want to ask them to do something that I'm not doing, I have made that a priority this week.

My favorite thing about myfitnesspal is "earning" extra calories through exercise. It takes me right back to my school days, where I would obnoxiously accumulate extra credit points to make my 99% a 103%. (Yes, I was "that girl" with the extra credit. I can't say that high school was much of a challenge for me academically. But don't worry, I got my bag handed to me the first semester of college when I narrowly escaped Business Math -- a.k.a. Math for Dummies -- with a low C.)

We're still sticking to the Shaun T Asylum nutrition plan pretty closely, so I generally don't have to worry about getting out of control on the calorie count. But seeing those bonus calories is a super motivator. If you haven't tried using myfitnesspal yet, I highly recommend it. Even if you just take one week out of your life to get a reality check on your food intake (that Starbucks latte cost me HOW MANY calories???), it's a valuable exercise.

Workout of the Day
Insanity: The Asylum - Vertical Plyo
We are more than halfway through the 30 days of Asylum. My body is pretty tired, but I can already see improvements in my quickness and agility. 

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