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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shakeology in "O" Magazine!

The May issue of Oprah Winfrey's "O" Magazine features an article about Darin Olien's journey across the globe searching for the exotic ingredients that go into Shakeology. It's an in-depth, 11-page article that chronicles his journeys, his relationships with the indigenous farmers, and the benefits of the ingredients that they are only beginning to understand.

Now before Oprah releases her legal hounds on me, I should note that Oprah doesn't endorse Shakeology, nor does she drink it, as far as I know. (But she should! Hi Oprah...Call me! Place an order through www.shakeology.com/CoachSusanH and I'll throw in a free shaker cup...minus a small shipping and handling cost of a billion jillion dollars.)

The article, entitled "Good Morning World," underscores the primary reason why Zach and I choose to drink Shakeology, which is the ability to put a plethora of healthy ingredients into our bodies with one easy shake. "Shakeology contains more than 70 ingredients itself," Susan Casey writes. It's a "...crazy cornucopia of good."

Casey travels with Olien to Peru, where she samples maca, a relative of the radish that is thought to boost endurance and balance hormones. Then they find aguaje, cacao, granadilla, yacon...each with its own properties that feed the body in unique and amazing ways.

Sacha inchi, another superfruit
Olien began working to find the ingredients for Shakeology back in 2008, when Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler asked him to develop "The Healthiest Meal of the Day."
"Daikeler gave Olien no limits on quality, no cost/revenue restrictions; the goal was to shoot the moon, to seek out and combine the most extraordinary plants, fruits, nuts, herbs -- nature's secret weapons...Since hitting the market in March 2009 more than 400,000 bags of Shakeology...have been sold."
Here is a Beachbody-produced video about Olien, a.k.a. The Ingredient Hunter:

It's a great article, and a great shake. I highly recommend both!

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution: Observation of the Week
In last night's episode, Jamie teamed up with 10 students for a culinary arts course. One of the students, 17-year-old Sophia, had parents and a 13-year-old sister already suffering from Type-2 Diabetes. Reality TV show dramatics aside, Sophia really did seem like someone perched on a railroad track with a train barreling toward her, powerless as to how to get off. 

Even if Sophia wanted to eat healthy, she doesn't know how -- and she's not the one buying the food. Have we strayed so far that we don't realize what's healthy and what's not? Once the "bad" food is out of sight and in our bodies, we don't give it a second thought as to the havoc it wreaks internally. 

Every week I see three- and four-year-old kids wandering around the ball field with Dr Pepper bottles and radioactive orange cheese nachos. Then those parents wonder why they have trouble getting their kids to sleep at night. Maybe it's the 14 teaspoons of sugar and caffeine they just drank...you think? We have got to be smarter than this. 

Workout of the Day
RevAbs: Total Strength and Mercy Abs

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