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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm So Excited About This

Zach and I have signed up for the Survival Race that takes place in our town this April 30. It looks like a spectacular, muddy mess, and I am super excited about it. Check it out!

You can still register if you want to join in the fun! Let me know if you decide to join up.

I tuned in for the first installment of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution last night, and I wasn't disappointed. The most striking thing about the episode, in my opinion, was Jamie's interaction with the fast food restaurateur. Despite his best efforts to come up with semi-healthy alternatives, Jamie was roundly rebuked for his efforts because the owner, much like the rest of America, does not believe there is a problem! 

There were only a handful of people at the "bus full of sugar" demonstration because people do not think it is a problem! Until we collectively decide that being fat and unhealthy is not a way to live, the Food Revolution is destined to flounder and possibly fail. I really hope that's not the case. 

OK, people, only one day left in the Shakeology Snap Your Success contest. I have no idea how I'm doing on votes, so I still need your help! You can vote once per day, so try to hit it today and tomorrow!

Here's a little incentive for you: the prize is a bag of Shakeology and a workout program of my choice. I do not need an extra bag of Shakeology, so there is a very good chance that I will be giving it away in a contest of some sort. They are giving the prize to the top five entries, so be sure to vote!

I never told you guys how the prom turned out! It was really fun, and the girls wore so many pretty dresses. Here's a photo of Zach and I before we left for our big date.

Workout of the Day
RevAbs: Power Intervals and Pull Ups. I did 19 today...not in a row, but in sets. I think I'm getting stronger!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! That dress looks gorgeous on you. Love the color. Zach doesn't look to bad himself either. Can't wait to hear more about Prom! Ha ha!
