No, not the Fenway Park Green Monster...the spinach Green Monster!
I've heard about The Green Monster a few times but had never tried it before today. Like any good daughter, I made my Mom try it first before I went ahead and blended up a cool, green, delicious smoothie made of spinach, banana, and milk. The Green Monster!
Look at that pretty green color! |
Just grab about 2 cups of raw baby spinach, about a cup of milk (any type you'd like), and a banana. Then blend the dog out of it.
There are so many variations on the Green Monster, too. I found a bunch of good recipes at
The real test will be when I attempt to feed this to my children. I think the combination of the name and the sound effects I'm planning to make will make them love it. (A girl can dream, right?)
Workout of the Day
Does wrestling a belligerent two-year-old count as a workout? I was ready to do yoga this morning, but instead I was greeted by a little naked toddler who wanted to get dressed and start the day at 5 a.m. There was a standoff, some screaming, and some crying. I'm not divulging who did what.
If we're going to talk workouts, I'll focus on the one I did last night with Chalene Johnson. She's the creator of TurboKick, TurboJam, and TurboFire. Wow. This lady is a 42-year-old dynamo, and I seriously could not keep up with her. Her workouts are very dancy and jumpy, and while I could hang cardiovascularly, my dance moves just aren't up to snuff. It was still fun though, and I had a great time!
Apologies for the crummy photography. This was snapped hastily on my way out. |
****Updated with a photo I borrowed off someone's Facebook page!*****
There were tons of photos from the workout portion of the evening, but this one pretty much sums up the intensity and chaos of it all. These people are hard-core dancing machines!

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