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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"The" Beachbody Challenge

Those of you who have been around these parts for awhile know that I run challenges periodically.

There was the Michi's Ladder Food Challenge.

The RevAbs Challenge.

The Insanity: Asylum Challenge.

The 5-Day Shakeology/Clean Eating Challenge.

Challenges are not unique in Beachbody Coach-land. It's a common strategy to promote accountability and fitness, because good things happen in groups. We draw energy and inspiration from each other. We trade tips and ideas. We encourage each other when someone falls behind.

Beachbody has an equation for fitness success. It's:

Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success

The challenges provide each part of the equation. We're working on our fitness every day, we're getting at least one healthy meal per day through Shakeology, and we're supporting each other throughout the process. Do all those things, and I'm betting success is just around the corner.

The folks at Beachbody Corporate noticed the challenge trend and decided to help out by creating "Challenge Packs," a bundle of a fitness program and Shakeology provided at a discount price. That's a pretty big deal, because for the most part, Beachbody does not discount its products.

Here's a graphic that shows the Challenge Pack bundles:

So there are three levels. Each one allows you to select one workout program, and with it comes one month of Shakeology on Home Direct. You also get a free 30-day Club Membership (which is where the meal planner resides -- a pretty awesome tool), and free shipping. And if you want to sign up as a coach with a challenge pack, they'll waive the $39.99 coach fee.

People who undertake the Beachbody Challenge can also enter their before/after pictures in a contest to win
money and prizes.
Zach and I are leading our first "official" Beachbody Challenge group right now. Our group spans the country with one person in Virginia, one in California, and three in Texas. Two are using P90X (one of them is also training for a marathon), and one is using Insanity. Zach and I are in P90X2 training with the One on One series. We're all drinking Shakeology daily and checking in on our private Facebook page to let each other know how we're doing.

I'm hoping to put together a "beginner" level challenge as well as a P90X2 challenge at the beginning of the year, so keep that in mind as the year ends. Contact me if you want more information.

And by the way, you don't have to be in an official challenge to buy the challenge pack -- you can take advantage of the discount any time by visiting www.SmellsLikeFitness.com and clicking on the "Take the Challenge" banner on the right side. You'll fill out some information about yourself, and then the next page will allow you to choose your challenge pack.

Workout of the Day
Parallette Training - More to come on that...

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