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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Eggs in a pepper

The spring semester is always crazy at our house. Zach has baseball, softball, track, choir concerts, band concerts, awards ceremonies, banquets, prom, UIL events, and all other sorts of events to attend. So my weekly menu has to be somewhat flexible.

Earlier this week he had an event come up that caused a meal to be bumped later in the week, which left me to plan a dinner for myself on the fly (the kids got the standard breakfast burritos). I've been following a gal named Alyssia on Instagram who is doing a "100 Days of Clean Eating" challenge, and she posts some great recipes, and when I was wondering what I might have she posted a picture of an egg she baked in a pepper.

Since I have about eight peppers in my fridge from last week's co-op shop, I decided to try it out!

First I tried to cut the pepper in half down the center -- no dice. It wasn't a deep enough hole and I was sure the egg would fall out. So I threw that pepper in the broccoli/cauliflower container we keep in the fridge. I got out another pepper and just cut the top off. Perfect!

After salting and peppering the inside, I cracked the egg and slid it in the pepper. Looked good, but I thought I could fit another one in there, so I cracked another one.

I put the pepper in a pan and put a bit of water in the bottom to prevent scorching. Then I popped it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Here's what it looked like when it came out:

It was cool! I topped the pepper with salsa, feta cheese, and green onion. I cooked it just about right -- when I cut into it the pepper was tender and the egg was still a little runny, just how I like it. The taste was really good, although it was really watery from the pepper and the steam that had built up in the pepper. 

On the side I had some vegetable soup that I had whipped up to eat on for lunches this week, but this would be really good with some seasoned home fries. It's just a quick, easy meal that is nice and light! Try it!

Workout of the Day
Les Mills Combat 60

We are in the recovery week of month one for P90X. We substitute Les Mills Combat for Kenpo because Combat is WAY cooler than Kenpo. 

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