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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Part of the Solution

I like the saying, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." Given a choice between the two, I'm sure most people would like to see themselves as part of the former; as people that solve problems instead of make them. But if I sit down and look at how I spend my time, I can see that inaction or indifference -- or even callousness -- is often making me part of the problem.

A few months back a nagging thought kept creeping into my head. "Why am I doing this?" I thought. "Why am I waking up every day at 5am and going out to that shop, putting in a DVD, and following these lunatic workout routines?" I mean, obviously I was doing it for my health, and because I felt good, but I wondered what else there was to it. Then I stumbled on this Team Beachbody Coaching thing. "Maybe this is it," I thought. "Maybe I could actually help people get in better shape and get healthy. I have motivation coming out of the kazoo...maybe I could share some of it." So even though I was scared and skeptical about "selling stuff," I went ahead and signed up.

My feelings about being a Team Beachbody Coach swing very high or very low depending on the day. Some days I feel like telling anyone and everyone about how committing to a workout regimen and healthy eating will change your life. About how I feel better at 32 than I did at 23. About how I didn't think I'd ever be able to do a pull up, but that now I can do eight of them. About how I now weigh the same as I did in high school.

But on my lower days, I wonder who am I to tell somebody how to live their life? Why should I be the one to suggest  that they ought to eat some broccoli rather than a Big Mac?

The fact is that every day -- every single day -- I see people struggling with their weight. I don't even have to leave my neighborhood to see how this epidemic chips away at the health and happiness of my neighbors and friends. Most of the time I feel overwhelmed and terrified to approach someone about making a change in their life. I'm not an expert, or a doctor, or a dietitian. I just know that I made a commitment in my life to exercise and eat well, and that if I can do it, anybody can.

For whatever reason, motivation is not something that I currently struggle with. Maybe that's because I have Zach to keep me accountable, or maybe it's because the routine we've built has become a habit just like brushing my teeth. But I know most people do struggle with motivation. If I can introduce people to the tools they need to lose weight and get fit, and then be someone they can lean on for accountability and motivation, then maybe I will have done something to be part of the solution.


Be Part of the Solution
(re-posted from Tony Horton's Facebook Page 11/3/2010)

Boys and girls,

I'm unaware of your financial situation but I do believe that you're reading this page because you care about your health and fitness. If you have plenty of income and love your job then what I’m about to tell you might not be for you. If you're not thrilled with the way you make a living, would like extra income, love Beachbody products, like the way they make you look and feel, enjoy helping other people feel and look better, enjoy setting your own hours, get excited about being the captain of your own ship as opposed to working for the man - then listen up. 

The reality is, your health and fitness moves beyond you. It impacts the people around you. You (whether you like it or not) have the power to change lives based solely on your own personal transformation. Inadvertently you become a catalyst for change. This is how I got started. I was clueless, asked a few questions based on my need to be strong and healthy, stayed with it and people in my life wanted to know what I was doing. Simple yet powerful.

If you want to share what you've learned with people in your life who want better health (and could use extra income in the process) then you should consider becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.   I felt so strongly about this program that I’ve encouraged many of my friends to become coaches, even my own sister.  She is doing great (even though my contract with Beachbody won’t let me help her).  She is a perfect example of someone who had plenty of doubt and hesitation regarding the coaching opportunity and still found a way to make it work for her. A busy working wife and mother with three very active kids doesn't sound like a good candidate to start an in-home multi-level marketing company. Did you say multi level marketing? What? Ick! You mean pyramid scheme right? Okay chill out. All these fears would be true if BeachBody were selling hats or kitty litter, but this is Beachbody people! The number 1 in-home fitness company on the planet! P90X is steadily becoming the most popular fitness system in US history. Shakeology is the revolutionary replacement meal on the market today. We sell life-altering change - not soap. Tens of thousands of regular folk around this country are doing something they love because of this coach opportunity.    

The unemployment rate still hovers around 10% but it doesn't have to be that way if more people were willing to see that new opportunities exist all around them. The Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity is one of them. Health care companies, pharmaceutical companies and our government are not capable of solving this obesity crisis and we can't wait around for them to do it. The crisis is now and the answer is YOU! I know that sounds a bit Rah Rah but it's true. 

Cynics don't need to apply, but if you're sick and tired of the status quo and want to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of those around you, then open the door.  The two major issues of our time - the health care issue and unemployment rate could be resolved if a million more people in this country decided to get healthy and share the wealth. This is a brand new industry waiting to explode. It's not happening in boardrooms or factories – it’s happening in the homes of tens of thousands of Team Beachbody Coaches and in the homes of their customers.  With a tiny investment (actually the company is waiving the enrollment fee through the end of 2010) and a willingness to help people the sky's the limit.  


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