For one, I sell the stuff. Of course I'm going to say it tastes good.
For two, I pretty much think everything is delightful and delicious, with the exception of turnips and wasabi peas.
Lucky for you (and me), we have a completely unbiased taste-tester in residence. This is someone who steadfastly refuses to eat vegetables. Someone who bursts into tears if the Mother's Day Out Director isn't available to give her a Dum Dum sucker after school. Someone who would be perfectly happy to eat microwaved cheese quesadillas every single day for the foreseeable future.
Three-year-olds don't lie. (Well, they do, but not when it comes to food.) Here's Kate's completely unbiased, honest review of Tropical Strawberry Shakeology:
There you have it! It tastes "Pink." And we all know that Pink is delicious!
To expand on Kate's thoughts, Tropical Strawberry Shakeology is a great addition to the product line. It's fruity and refreshing. People who have been drinking chocolate or greenberry Shakeology will notice that the texture is a little different, which is due to the vegan, sprouted brown rice protein used in the ingredients.
It mixes well with citrus fruit and coconut milk. I have also done strawberries and PB2, which was really good.
All in's good stuff. If you want a sample, drop me a line. But remember that Shakeology has a 30-day "bottom of the bag" money-back guarantee, so I'd recommend just trying it yourself for 30 days to see what it does for you. What do you have to lose?
Visit and click "Shop." Remember to choose "Autoship" to save yourself $10 in shipping, even if you only want one month's worth. They don't give you any hassle to cancel via email.
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