We got the results back the other day, and both of our numbers look very good. My cholesterol was 124 (about 20 points lower than the last time I had it tested more than a year ago...thanks, Shakeology!), and my triglycerides (fats in the blood) were 31 -- both earned me a "LOW" marking in the comments section. Zach earned that coveted "LOW" in triglycerides section as well with a 31, and his cholesterol was in the normal range at 187.
I don't know if it's because I'm a lifelong people-pleaser, or if it's because I have a kindergartner who gets smiley faces and stickers on the work he brings home, but something about my health screening sheet left me feeling a little deflated.
Where is my gold star? My happy face sticker? My scribbled note at the top that says, "Great Job Eating Your Vegetables!"
Did my lab tech glance at my results and say, "Wow, that chick must really take care of herself. Good for her!"
I think this compulsion for approval is the same one that makes me secretly wish that Oprah would ambush me in the grocery store as part of her special series on "Unhealthy Eating in America," only to examine my grocery cart and find it filled with fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.
"How do you do it?" she'd ask me.
I'd look solemnly at her and the camera crew, take a deep breath and reply, "Oprah, it's something I've been working on and studying for years now, and it's become second nature to steer my cart right past the Twinkies. I'm just an ordinary person, looking to feed my family healthy food."
Then she'd buy me a Chevy Malibu and invite me to Chicago to appear on one of her shows. We'd discuss the possibility of me hosting my own show, but I'd turn her down because Chicago is too cold.
Miss you, Oprah! Dr. Oz could never fill your shoes. Look out for that Anderson Cooper, though. He may be on to something. |
I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with the knowledge that my food choices are benefiting my health, and hopefully that means I can continue to daydream about Oprah visiting me in a grocery store for years to come.
Workout of the Day
P90X One on One, Volume 3: Shoulders and Arms MC:2