Since we're six months into the year, I decided to take a hard look at the goals I set for my Beachbody business back in January. One of those goals was to pull in around $500 a month with my business. Life-changing? No. Would that cover Shakeology and buy a few extra groceries? Yes.
As coaches, Zach and I buy Shakeology for $89.96, plus we have a $14.95 fee for our business that comes to $104.91 each, or $209.92 total.
We are both "Emerald" coaches, so that means that we qualify to receive customer leads from Beachbody. If someone orders from the Beachbody corporate website, they assign that customer to a coach, and they become your customer. You receive commission on anything they order in the future. Since Beachbody spends about $100 million per year on advertising (that's not an exaggeration; it really does spend $100 million), they pull in quite a few customers.
In the past six months Zach and I have built a customer base of 164 people made up of both people that we know and customer leads from Beachbody.
Since the proof is in the pudding, as they say, here is a breakdown of our earnings for the past six months:
January: $362.22
February: $377.30
March: $462.41
April: $403.39
May: $401.99
June (to date): $406.06
I haven't reached the $500 per month level yet, but I have something to work toward and nowhere to go but up. Beachbody has great tools and resources to help me build the business as much as I'd like.
This coaching stuff has become about a lot more than money, though.
For one, it's given us an avenue to meet other people who are interested in health and fitness. People who challenge us to be better both physically and mentally. Secondly, it allows us to support other people who are just starting to work toward a healthier lifestyle.
Every time we get an email from a customer asking for advice, we are so excited to help them. Whether they need recipes, or advice on what to do if they've skipped a workout, whatever -- we want to be a part of ending the trend of obesity in this country...and other countries, for that matter. Just yesterday I ordered P90X bars for a customer in the U.K. who can't place an order internationally.
Last Saturday Zach and I attended Team Beachbody's Super Saturday event in Dallas. Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler spoke at the event, and as always, I was really impressed with his vision for the company and the country: to help people achieve their goals and lead healthy, fulfilling lives; and to end the trend of obesity.
"This isn't easy," Carl said. "Know that you're going to get criticism, and deal with it..." But nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy, is it?
As I sat in the audience with 360 other coaches and prospective coaches, I was proud to be a part of Team Beachbody. This company has attracted some highly motivated, positive people who think big, and if any group has a chance to end the trend of obesity -- or at least make a pretty big dent in it -- this is it.
Workout of the Day
Asylum: Back to Core
As Tony Horton would say, "Oh, Mommy." I've never done a workout quite like this. It certainly wasn't high-impact and I wasn't huffing and puffing, but this was about as tough a core workout as I've ever done. And P90X Core Synergistics is tough. It's been an hour and my shoulders are still burning.
The great thing about Asylum is how quickly the workouts seem to go by. Today I looked up and saw 31 minutes left on the screen...and was a little dejected. Then the next thing I knew it was cool-down time! Ask me about this again in a few weeks when I'm familiar with the workouts and we'll see if I say the same thing...
Asylum: Back to Core
As Tony Horton would say, "Oh, Mommy." I've never done a workout quite like this. It certainly wasn't high-impact and I wasn't huffing and puffing, but this was about as tough a core workout as I've ever done. And P90X Core Synergistics is tough. It's been an hour and my shoulders are still burning.
The great thing about Asylum is how quickly the workouts seem to go by. Today I looked up and saw 31 minutes left on the screen...and was a little dejected. Then the next thing I knew it was cool-down time! Ask me about this again in a few weeks when I'm familiar with the workouts and we'll see if I say the same thing...