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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is Beachbody Coaching For Real?

When I signed up to be a Beachbody Coach nine months ago, I figured that if I could take advantage of the 25% discount and manage to cover the cost of our Shakeology, I'd be happy.

Since we're six months into the year, I decided to take a hard look at the goals I set for my Beachbody business back in January. One of those goals was to pull in around $500 a month with my business. Life-changing? No. Would that cover Shakeology and buy a few extra groceries? Yes.

As coaches, Zach and I buy Shakeology for $89.96, plus we have a $14.95 fee for our business websites...so that comes to $104.91 each, or $209.92 total.

We are both "Emerald" coaches, so that means that we qualify to receive customer leads from Beachbody. If someone orders from the Beachbody corporate website, they assign that customer to a coach, and they become your customer. You receive commission on anything they order in the future. Since Beachbody spends about $100 million per year on advertising (that's not an exaggeration; it really does spend $100 million), they pull in quite a few customers.

In the past six months Zach and I have built a customer base of 164 people made up of both people that we know and customer leads from Beachbody.

Since the proof is in the pudding, as they say, here is a breakdown of our earnings for the past six months:

January: $362.22
February: $377.30
March: $462.41
April: $403.39
May: $401.99
June (to date): $406.06

I haven't reached the $500 per month level yet, but I have something to work toward and nowhere to go but up. Beachbody has great tools and resources to help me build the business as much as I'd like.

This coaching stuff has become about a lot more than money, though.

For one, it's given us an avenue to meet other people who are interested in health and fitness. People who challenge us to be better both physically and mentally. Secondly, it allows us to support other people who are just starting to work toward a healthier lifestyle.

Every time we get an email from a customer asking for advice, we are so excited to help them. Whether they need recipes, or advice on what to do if they've skipped a workout, whatever -- we want to be a part of ending the trend of obesity in this country...and other countries, for that matter. Just yesterday I ordered P90X bars for a customer in the U.K. who can't place an order internationally.

Last Saturday Zach and I attended Team Beachbody's Super Saturday event in Dallas. Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler spoke at the event, and as always, I was really impressed with his vision for the company and the country: to help people achieve their goals and lead healthy, fulfilling lives; and to end the trend of obesity.

"This isn't easy," Carl said. "Know that you're going to get criticism, and deal with it..." But nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy, is it?

As I sat in the audience with 360 other coaches and prospective coaches, I was proud to be a part of Team Beachbody. This company has attracted some highly motivated, positive people who think big, and if any group has a chance to end the trend of obesity -- or at least make a pretty big dent in it -- this is it.

Workout of the Day
Asylum: Back to Core

As Tony Horton would say, "Oh, Mommy." I've never done a workout quite like this. It certainly wasn't high-impact and I wasn't huffing and puffing, but this was about as tough a core workout as I've ever done. And P90X Core Synergistics is tough. It's been an hour and my shoulders are still burning.

The great thing about Asylum is how quickly the workouts seem to go by. Today I looked up and saw 31 minutes left on the screen...and was a little dejected. Then the next thing I knew it was cool-down time! Ask me about this again in a few weeks when I'm familiar with the workouts and we'll see if I say the same thing... 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Get Shredded with Shaun T

One of the main reasons I like Beachbody fitness programs so much is because they always include a meal plan. The nutrition aspect of fitness is so critical, and often it's the part that people don't get quite right. I estimate that the food you eat will account for about 80% of the success you do -- or don't -- have with a workout program.

Insanity: The Asylum's nutrition plan is called "Get Shredded: Shaun T's 14-day plan for getting ripped." It's a small booklet jam-packed with great recipes and tips.
Here are the 10 tips Shaun T lives by when it comes to nutrition (paraphrased, then my comments in italics): 
  1. Eat Frequently
    At least 5 to 6 smaller meals per day. Check! I'm already doing that.
  2. Go Light at Night
    Shaun recommends having your largest meal in the morning, with each meal after that progressively smaller. Your last meal of the day is the lightest and smallest.  Oops. I generally have a pretty large (albeit healthy) dinner. Maybe I could count my handful of cereal or almonds after dinner as my smallest meal of the day? Fat chance.
  3. Limit Your Portions
    If you're eating 5 meals per day, you must watch your portion size. These aren't 5 "all you can eat" meals we're talking about. With the exception of dinner, I think I do well with portion size.

  4. Eat Lean
    Eat foods that are full of lean protein, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. They're so tasty, you won't believe how good they are for you. I'm a believer! In the past six months or so we've gathered a bunch of recipes that incorporate tons of veggies and lean protein. I'm enjoying eating more than I ever have. Seriously!
  5. Carbs are Cool
    Shaun could never get through workouts without carbs. But to get shredded, he recommends eating carbs and starches earlier in the day, rather than your last two meals. He also suggests choosing whole grains instead of white carbs. I'm no carb Nazi. I eat them early and often, even for dinner. I may need to take a look at this rule to see if I can incorporate it into our routine.
  6. Avoid Dairy

    Shaun T chooses to avoid cheese and dairy. If you can't live without it, at least try eliminating it for 14 days. Shaun thinks you might never go back. I have never been against dairy, and think that there are a lot of benefits to be had from cottage cheese and yogurt. However, I'm willing to have a trial separation with dairy to see if I can indeed live without it. I have not had milk or cheese in 9 days, and while I have not really missed it, I can't say that I'm gaining much by NOT having it, either. I plan to go at least 30 days without dairy and then re-assess the situation. I am certainly benefiting from the lack of saturated fat from the cheese slices I like to steal from the kids.

  7. Hydrate!
    Drink water! A no-brainer. I could still do better with my water consumption.
  8. Limit Alcohol
    Shaun occasionally has a glass of red wine with dinner, but he limits his consumption and never imbibes before a shoot. That's an easy one -- I never want to face Shaun T with a hangover.
  9. Don't Fear Fat!
    Obviously, avoid butter and cheese, as they are high in saturated fat. However, there are lots of foods that are high in fat but very good for you, like avocado. You betcha! I eat an avocado more days of the week than not. 
  10. Supplements
    Shaun's customers love Results & Recovery Formula and claim its critical to their success. Drink it immediately after the workout to refuel. I agree; recovery formula helps put back the glycogen stores that you lost during an intense workout. This will help you recover quicker and reduce soreness. We also use whey protein powder and Shakeology to supplement our nutrition. 
Zach and I are really trying to follow a strict nutrition plan for the 30 days of Asylum to see if we can get the best results possible. It will be difficult considering the 4th of July barbecues that we are scheduled to attend, but if that means we plan our own meals, then we plan our own meals. I think it will be worth it to see how far we've come in one month's time.

Workout of the Day
Asylum: Strength

I am loving this program so far. While we never completed the first Insanity program, we did do a few of the DVDs. I remember thinking, "Geez, I hate this and would not want to do it for 60 days" the entire time. Some people are hard-core cardio lovers -- I am not one of them. I am a firm believer that muscle burns fat, so I'd much rather be doing some curls or shoulder presses than running myself into the ground. So far Asylum is a perfect blend of cardio, strength, and plyometrics. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Insanity: The Asylum, Day One

I'm interrupting my regularly scheduled Monday Nutrition Tip of the Week because this is a very big day around here, fitness-wise. It's the first day of our new Insanity: The Asylum program!

For our first official workout we will meet our small group of crazies who volunteered to do this program with us up at the high school. It's going to be great!

Saturday morning Zach and I did the nine-move, 25-minute Sports Performance Assessment included with the program. I was pretty nervous about the test, but we both did fine. For the most part we were in line with the participants on the screen. Here are Zach's and my pre-test results. All exercises were performed for one minute, and the numbers represent reps completed: (Zach's numbers are first, mine are second.)

Agility Heisman     10/7
In and Out Ab Progression     50/37
Pull Ups     15/10
Mountain Climber Switch Kicks     74/60
Agility Shoulder Taps     6/5
X Jumps     40/35
Moving Push Ups     DNC*/3
Agility Lateral Shuffle      15/13
Agility Bear Crawl     13/8

* DNC: Did Not Complete. Zach pulled a chest muscle a few weeks ago and is nursing it back to health. There have been a couple of set-backs where he thought it was ready to go -- it was not. He'll be sitting out of the Asylum exercises that use the chest muscle for several more weeks.

I'll be sure to post our test results at the end of the 30-day program.

In the meantime, here's a look at what we'll be doing today during the Speed & Agility workout.

Asylum uses a jump rope and an agility ladder (and weights in other workouts). Each person needs a ladder, but the program only comes with one. So Zach built another ladder last weekend out of motorcycle straps held together with rivets. It works great!

Only three hours to go till I enter the Asylum. I hope I make it out of there alive...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Exercise on Vacation? Yup.

If Zach and I went to the trouble to pack vegetables and hummus for our excursion to Austin last week, you know we weren't about to forget about our exercise schedule. The valedictorian of fitness (Zach) has compiled an extensive workout notebook that lists the exercises of virtually every DVD we have. In spreadsheet form, of course.

Austin is a very exercise-friendly city. Our hotel was literally steps from the running/biking trail on Town Lake, a beautiful and well-kept path that is more than 10 miles long.

Our first morning we were on the trail by 6am...and we were far from alone. We did a four-mile jog up one side of the lake and down the other. On the way we saw several boot camps taking place in the parks that line the lake.

That run on Town Lake did more than meet my cardiovascular requirements for the day. It also renewed my faith that people do care about being fit and healthy. Sometimes the view from my particular corner of Texas can get pretty bleak when it comes to caring about fitness. Everywhere I turn it's fast food joints and a great amount of people who only run to the kitchen to grab a snack before American Idol (or as Tony Horton would say, American Idle). So all those joggers and bikers did my heart good.

On Wednesday I went with a friend to Pure Austin, a great gym for people who already looked pretty dang fit.

The "Spinning" Area in Pure Austin
We did a "TNT" (Tighten and Tone) class, which was led by an unbelievably fit woman who I am guessing was in her late 50s. After the class we did a few weights, and then I climbed a rope -- just like elementary school.

Thursday morning Zach and I took advantage of the hotel gym to do the One on One: Shoulders and Arms MC:2 workout. It was cramped and busy in the mini-gym, but we made it work.

Leaving town doesn't mean your workouts have to take a vacation. Use the opportunity of being in a new setting to shake things up and explore the city by foot. If gyms are your thing, many of them will let you buy a temporary pass, or tag along with a friend like I did.

Thanks to our daily workouts, Zach and I didn't lose any ground as we build up to the new workout we're taking on just 5 days from now:

More info on that to come.

Workout of the Day:
P90X Plus: Total Body Plus

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P90X2 Preview: Talk about a butt kickin'

P90X2 is scheduled to make its debut in Fall 2011. Here is what I know so far:
  • Yoga is one hour and five minutes long. (This is key for many P90Xers.)
  • The meal plan will provide options for vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters.
  • The schedule is only 5 days a week, and will include three phases: Foundation, Strength, and Performance.
  • The workouts are created with the help of Dr. Marcus Elliot, one of the most sought-out trainers in the sports world.
I am very excited about this new program! Get on a list to receive an email about when P90X2 comes out by clicking here. But when you're ready to order, make sure you do it through my website! www.beachbodycoach.com/CoachSusanH

Here's a preview video.

Workout of the Day
P90X Plus: Intervals Plus

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Nutrition Tip of the Week: You Can Take it With You

It's popular belief that winter is the time when people pack on the pounds. But for my money, it's more difficult to eat clean in the summer.

You've got your pool parties with chips and dip, barbecues, trips to the ice cream store when it's really hot. And I haven't even addressed vacation yet. When you're away from home you can find all kinds of quick, unhealthy food to eat.

Last week Zach and I were in Austin for three days; Zach was there for work, and I tagged along to enjoy a few days sans children thanks to my parents. Our hotel was downtown, just blocks away from some very fine dining establishments. We wanted to enjoy some good food while we were there, but not completely blitz our clean diet with heavy breakfasts, greasy lunches, and decadent dinners. 

First up: breakfast. Thankfully, Shakeology is quick, travels well, and tastes great even without a blender. (I thought about bringing the blender, but thought I might get strange looks as I toted it through the lobby.) We each brought a shaker cup, a Tupperware container with a few scoops of vanilla whey protein powder, and voila: breakfast for all three days. I usually have my shake for lunch, so I was curious to see how long it would keep me full (especially with no extra fruit or peanut butter). No worries; I drank my shake at around 8am each morning, I was not hungry until about 11:30am.

We kept lunch simple and light. The first day I ate at the most magical Whole Foods of all the Whole Foods stores, the 80,000 square-foot flagship location in downtown Austin. The second day I ate at Leaf, a "fancy" salad place. On our way out of town on Thursday we ate at a great little pita place called The Pita Pit, where I had a spicy black bean veggie pita. 

Because we had eaten sensible lunches, I didn't feel bad when we branched out for our first Indian food experience at The Clay Pit. Rumor has it that Indian food probably isn't the most healthy option, but it sure was delicious. The final dinner in town was prepared by some good friends, and was both delicious and healthy: sea bass (another first, yum!), acorn squash (my favorite), and roasted brussel sprouts.

Oh yeah -- I didn't even mention that Zach packed a container full of raw veggies and hummus, and some protein bars for snacks. That bridged the gap between meals and prevented him from snacking on all the doughnuts at his conference.

With some planning and consideration, a vacation doesn't have to take your diet off the rails. Carry a cooler, or use the fridge in your hotel room to hold your healthy snacks. In the long run it will save you both money and calories.

Workout of the Day
P90X One on One: Yoga MC: 2

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Are you dense?

Recently I read an interesting commentary on the Standard American Diet (S.A.D...what a clever acronym, don't you think?), that posited that the vast majority of Americans are actually undernourished... "Overfed, but undernourished," it said.

Because the food we are eating doesn't have much nutritional value, our bodies crave more. So we give it more and more of the same crap-tastic food, and the body still isn't satisfied. Sounds like a recipe for obesity, to me.

"Eat Right America" has come up with ANDI, the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index, that ranks foods based on their nutrients. The more nutrient-dense the food, the higher it is on the list. The foods are weighed in Calcium, Carotenoids: Beta Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Lutein & Zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Fiber, Folate, Glucosinolates, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Selenium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, plus ORAC score.

Here is the index:

"Keep in mind that nutrient density scoring is not the only factor that determines good health. For example, if we only ate foods with a high nutrient density score our diet would be too low in fat. So we have to pick some foods with lower nutrient density scores (but preferably the ones with the healthier fats) to include in our high nutrient diet.

Additionally, if a thin person or highly physically active individual ate only the highest nutrient foods they would become so full from all of the fiber and nutrients that would keep them from meeting their caloric needs and they would eventually become too thin. This of course gives you a hint at the secret to permanent weight control."
So how does your diet measure up? Are you dense?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Nutrition Tip of the Week: Healthy Dessert

There are two things that are my absolute weakness when it comes to sweets: chocolate and cinnamon. Give me a brownie or some coffee cake with streusel topping and I am completely done for. And I can never stop at just one piece, either. Put that plate of brownies down and I'm diving in for a couple, at least.

I don't fix dessert all that often anymore, but when I do I try to find something with at least a little redeeming nutritional value. I found this great recipe in the Sunflower Market magazine last month and made it when we had some friends over for dinner last week. It was delicious, and I had multiple helpings. But I didn't feel too bad about it since it was fruit.

This dessert contains blueberries (a great source of antioxidants) plus flax seed and walnuts for a nice dose of omega-3 fatty acids. And cinnamon. Mmmm....cinnamon. Enjoy this!

Wild Blueberry and Pear Crisp
- 2 or 3 medium pears, cored and sliced
- 1 TB lemon juice
- 1 10 oz. package (I used about two cups) blueberries (can be frozen and thawed)
- 1 1/2 TB cornstarch
- 3 TB turbinado or brown sugar, divided
- 1/4 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
- 4 TB ground flaxseed
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 2 TB melted butter
- 1 TB canola oil

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place pears in an 8x8-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Top with blueberries. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and 2 TB brown sugar; sprinkle over fruit. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or till syrup is partially thickened.

2. While fruit is cooking, in a medium bowl, combine remaining 1 TB sugar, flour, oats, walnuts, flaxseed, and cinnamon; add melted butter and canola oil, and mix well. Spoon over fruit. Bake for 15-20 minutes more, until topping is lightly browned and fruit is bubbly and thickened. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Workout of the Day
Insanity Intervals Plus. Trying to prepare for the Asylum workout that starts in two weeks!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Starting a movement Movement

"The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader." -- Derek Sivers

Earlier this week Zach and I devised an Insanity: The Asylum challenge for the summer. It's Beachbody's newest program, and among the most intense that the company offers. We're starting at the end of June, and decided to see if a few brave souls from his school community wanted to join us for 30 days of hard-core fun. 

We crafted an email invitation to the people we thought might be up for such an intense program, outlining the details of the challenge. Once the email was done, my finger hovered over the "Send" button.

"What if everyone says no?" I asked Zach. "We'll do it anyway," he said. "What if everyone thinks we're crazy?" I asked. "Well, we kind of are," he said. 

The next day Zach came in from work and I asked if he'd heard from anyone about the challenge. "No," he said. "Oh my gosh, it's worse than saying no," I said. "They're just going to pretend they never saw the email. I feel dumb. Let's still do it, though." 

As Beachbody Coaches, Zach and I are trying to start a movement Movement. It's not always popular, and sending that email made me feel a bit vulnerable and silly. Kind of like...well, kind of like the guy in this video:

I'm pleased to say that yesterday we got our first takers on The Asylum challenge -- a whole family, in fact! 

The thing about a Movement is that the hard part is getting started. After that, momentum takes over and all of a sudden you're moving and shaking to the music with a big group of new friends.

Want details on our Asylum challenge? Send me a message and I'll let you know how to join the dance party.

Workout of the Day
RevAbs: Power Intervals 2

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"I like to work out, but my significant other doesn't. What now?"

When you are committing to an exercise and healthy eating regimen, it's really helpful to have a partner to help you along the way. It's even better if that partner is your spouse or significant other. But what if your significant other just isn't on board with the exercising and eating well?

I consider myself incredibly lucky that Zach and I decided to tackle P90X together. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not have been able to stick with the program without his help. We keep each other accountable and motivated. But I know plenty of people who do it alone or even meet a little resistance from their spouse. 

If you find yourself in that situation, here are a few tips that might help nudge your partner off the couch:

- Don't nag!  Nothing makes someone NOT want to do something more than nagging. Stay positive and upbeat when you talk about your workout program, and maybe they'll want to try it one day too.

- Don't make it about "looks". Make sure your significant other knows that you love them no matter how they look, and that your desire for them to exercise has to do with keeping them healthy and happy so that you can be together for a long time.

- Consider what they would like to do. Maybe your wife isn't into P90X. So tell her you'll try Brazil Butt Lift with her! Sure, you might look silly, but it's in the privacy of your own home and she'll appreciate you making a fool of yourself for her.

Leandro says, "Man, woman, it does not matter. I will work your bum-bum."

Do you have any other tips for encouraging your significant other to work out with you? Leave a comment to let us know about it!

Workout of the Day
RevAbs: Strength and Endurance and Merciless Abs. Lower back still stiff, but I was able to complete the workout today.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Nutrition Tip of the Week: The Chicken is Coming!

A few months ago I sang the praises of Zaycon Foods, a company out of Washington state that I consider to be the Groupon of meat sales. I got an email from them yesterday telling me about an impending chicken sale in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Here's the email:

To our Texas Customers,
Many of you have told us you are out or close to being out of chicken. The news that our next chicken deliveries were scheduled for the fall was a huge disappointment to those of you who emailed and called.

Prices seem to always go up in the summer, so we try to avoid offering chicken at this time of the year. However, great news - we searched around and were able to secure a great summer price.

Get Ready! The sale will open Monday at 5:00pm. The price for the Fresh Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts will be $1.64 per lb. Delivery dates will be June 14.

So, if you need more chicken before the fall, be sure and order tomorrow. Also, if you have friends or neighbors who might be interested in Zaycon Foods chicken, pass this along and encourage them to register.

Final delivery dates, times, and places will be available on our website tomorrow at 5pm.

Thanks for being a Zaycon customer!
The Z Team

You guys, this is some good chicken. And that's a fantastic price! Get registered on Zaycon's site so that you can place an order. Here's a special link that indicates I referred you: 

A couple things to be aware of:
  • You must buy 40 pounds worth of chicken. If you don't have the freezer space to store it, go in on an order with a friend or family member.
  • The chicken breasts are boneless and skinless, but they are butterflied, meaning the two breasts are connected. In order to package the chicken in individual breasts so that they can be put in the freezer, you have to play amateur butcher. It's a bit messy. Just warning you.
  • These chicken breasts are huge! I typically thaw two breasts and cut them horizontally in half so that they are thinner and cook quickly on the grill. Those two breasts (cut into four thinner pieces of meat) will feed us for two nights.
Check out their website for more information or to find out if they serve your area! www.ZayconFoods.com

Workout of the Day
Zippo, so far. And I'm bummed out about it, because I was looking forward to the workout this morning. It's the first day of summer vacation, so that means 5:30 a.m. instead of 5:00 (YES!). Also, we went and had lunch with friends and my eating was a bit off the rails yesterday (there was Texas Sheet Cake, is all I'm saying). 

But last night I accidentally slept on my stomach for a long period of time, which is a definite no-no for someone with a sensitive back. Our lumpy mattress is scheduled for a much-deserved demotion, but it hasn't happened quite yet. So today I'm on an ice/heat regimen to see if I can sit and stand without wincing by the end of the day. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Giving it the Kindle treatment

I got a Kindle for Christmas, and it's taking me a little while to get used to flipping pages electronically vs. manually. One feature I do like, however, is the one that lets you see what all the other readers of the book have highlighted.

You see, as an English major who had no problem with a collegiate schedule that included five "reading" courses at one time, I am a highlighter. I love to underline, highlight, earmark, flag, Post-It, and otherwise mark sections of books that have significance to me. So peaking in on what other people think is significant is great fun.

Foxnews.com had a great interview with Tony Horton yesterday. I gave it the Kindle treatment for you, highlighting the parts that I think are among Tony's greatest Tony-isms. This article hits a lot of the same things that I tell my customers in my weekly "Let's Get Pumped Up and DO THIS!" emails that I send, including setting a schedule and writing it on a calendar, surrounding yourself with like-minded friends, and working toward eating mostly whole foods.

Sure is nice not having to carry a highlighter in my pocket protector anymore.

P90X Creator Tony Horton Offers Tips on How to 'Bring It'

Published June 01, 2011

Photo by: Mason Bendewald

We live in a world of quick fixes when it comes to losing weight and looking good. With Americans spending $40 billion a year on everything from pills and shakes to pre-packaged meals and cellulite creams, we’re obsessed with buying almost anything to drop a few. Just don’t try to sell any of those products to Tony Horton.

If you don’t know who Tony Horton is, maybe you should. He is one of the hottest names in fitness as the creator of P90X, the at-home extreme fitness DVD program that has swept the nation and sold more than three million copies. He is also the author of Bring It—a lifestyle guide designed to whip you into shape. But what makes him different from almost any other exercise guru?

We asked him for his best advice on how to really “bring it.”

Exercise for the Right Reasons
First things first, you need to ask yourself if you are ready to make a change in your life and commit to it. Horton said hopping on the Stairmaster for 20 minutes three times a week is a start, and better than nothing, but is not going to give you the level of fitness essential for a healthy life.
Why are you making this change? Horton said if it is just to be thinner, you need to reevaluate yourself.

“Get away from the whole aesthetics factor. It shouldn’t be about eating foods that will help you be smaller later. It doesn’t matter how small you are—the fitness is what matters,” he said.

Instead, Horton said to concentrate on all the other benefits of exercise, and if you lose a few pounds in the process—that’s a bonus.

“If I exercise today and eat well, I turn back the clock. Cells will grow stronger, my immune system will function better and improve my quality of life. Memory will improve, I will have less stress and feel better,” he added.

Don’t Put Garbage in Your Mouth
Most people will tell you that healthy eating can be the most difficult part of getting into shape. Counting calories, weighing food and eating packaged diet foods don’t translate to a lifestyle most of us can stick to. Horton said he believes it’s as simple as this—“Don’t put garbage in your mouth.”

“Nine times out of 10, almost everyone knows the difference between healthy and not healthy food. We all know soda and doughnuts are not good, but we eat them anyway. We are unconscious eaters,” he said.

Horton’s program starts with a cleanse to get the body functioning efficiently by eating mainly fruits and vegetables, cutting out sugar and alcohol, and of course processed foods.

“Ultimately the most important thing is to put healthy whole foods in your mouth. I have never counted a calorie in my life. I just make sure there are fruits and veggies on my plate every time I eat,” he said.

Take It Easy on Yourself
Hearing that people shouldn’t beat themselves up may sound surprising coming from someone as dedicated to fitness as Horton. But he claims America’s obsession with perfection is what causes us to fail.

“If you feel like you can’t do this, it’s OK to hit the pause button. The reason why so many people struggle is we have too many perfectionists. Who cares if you had a chocolate chip cookie? As long as you are in the game and participated, don’t beat yourself up,” he said.

Taking it easy also includes physical rest.

“Stress and not enough sleep will eventually kill your mojo, and you are more likely to fail. But if you have restful sleep, you will be able to sustain and be less stressed out,” he said.

Stick With It
So you’ve decided to change your lifestyle—you’re exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep. But how can you keep it up? Horton said the main thing is to understand how important it is in your life. But he also said he has a fool-proof way to stick with your exercise regimen—get a calendar and hang it on the refrigerator. Write down at the beginning of each month exactly what time you are going to work out every day, and as the days go on, cross out each day with a red pen. Sound silly? There is a method behind the madness.

“If you have already scheduled it like other appointments in your life, it is on there and it is about guilting yourself into doing something for yourself. Then you cross it out. It really works. It’s the simple techniques you follow and are able to stick to,” he said.

Winging It
Call it being lazy, call it falling off the wagon, call it taking a break—whatever you call it, it means making excuses as to why you are not living the healthy lifestyle you have the potential to live. And Horton said “winging it” will get you nowhere.

“Eighty percent of the people who say they don’t have enough time are full of crap. What they are saying is they don’t like it, and they don’t want to—that is the thing that drives me the most crazy—what people are doing to themselves is slow motion suicide,” he said.

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People
How many times have you been out for happy hour and tried your best to make healthy choices, only to get heckled by your friends who are trying to get you to dive into the beer and nachos? According to Horton, you might want to think about getting some new friends.

“If you spend time with super-fit people who are getting up the next morning to run a marathon, you aren’t going to have a doughnut and a glass of wine. But if you are surrounded by people who don’t care, then you’re not going to keep your act together,” he said.

Horton emphasized having a rock-solid plan to be prepared for others to try and make you eat, drink or not exercise to make themselves feel better.

“Misery loves company. You need something powerful in your life to combat the negative things that are surrounding you,” he said.

Workout of the Day
RevAbs: Rev It Up